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Welcome to the ECE473 student work site! This is a page for students taking ECE473: Elements of Decentralized Finance at Princeton University, to showcase the work they have been doing this semester. This year, students have been guided by the themes: Dapps, AI Code Generation, Web3 AI Tools and Web3 Prediction. Check out some of the top posts on AI x Blockchain, Dapps, and other categories below!

Featured Pages – AI x Blockchain


Featured Pages – Dapps


NFT Shirts

This project evaluates the effectiveness of AI agents for creating full-stack DeFi applications. The team utilized ChatGPT-4 to build and deploy NFT-Shirts a website where users can mint an NFT that they receive on a t-shirt. As part of this work, the team developed a testing, design, front-end, back-end, and smart contract agent that were prompted to build and design each component.

Coffee Club DAO

This team sought to create a decentralized platform to draw the Princeton University community together. To do this, the created a fully functional DAO, blending art, commerce and campus culture for the student run Coffee Club at Princeton. This DAO rewards frequent customers with NFTs and allows these customers to vote on proposals on topics ranging from drink flavors to open mic performers. In doing so, they define the social DAO as one whose objective is developing community, rather than spending funds.


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